After Implant Placement

Whether you are receiving a single or multiple dental implant or several dental implants, the surgical process is essentially the same. First, we will perform any necessary extractions, removing severely decayed or diseased teeth. In most cases, implants can be placed on the same day as any extractions. Next, we will surgically place the dental implants, using guided implant placement to help ensure the implants are placed in the most strategic locations and at the best angles. Once the restorations have been secured to their respective abutments, you will have an immediately functional, restored smile! Unlike other implant-supported options, you can receive a custom, permanent dental crown, bridge, or prosthesis in as little as two weeks with Advanced Dental implant solutions.

Dental Implant-supported restorations come with many benefits, including:

  • Improved self-confidence
  • Highly comfortable
  • Strong and stable
  • Supports jaw bone health
  • Improved facial appearance
  • Expanded nutritional diet