Crooked Teeth

Much like missing teeth, crooked teeth are not only embarrassing, but can also begin to cause oral health concerns. Crooked teeth can cause brushing and flossing to be a challenge and allow plaque and debris to build up, contributing to cavity formation and gum disease. Davis Family Dental Care in Bedford, Texas offers several solutions for crooked teeth including treatment options for straightening teeth with or without braces.

Orthodontics Straighten Crooked Teeth
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry focused on correcting the alignment and position of teeth, jaw joints and TMJ disorders. Orthodontic treatment may involve either metal braces or invisible braces to straighten teeth.

Our experienced dentists at Ace Dental are orthodontists who will design a treatment plan and coordinate your dental appointment. We are also a provider of Invisalign® INVISIBLE BRACES, which are clear removable aligners that gently straighten teeth without affecting the tooth enamel, gums or TMJ.

Straightening Teeth Without Braces
Many patients wish to straighten their teeth but want to do so without metal braces. Braces are a long and sometimes painful process. Besides being uncomfortable, braces are sometimes seen as juvenile, and many adults don’t want to wear them.

There are options, however, to straighten your teeth by other means. Common options for straightening teeth without braces include:

PORCELAIN VENEERS – Porcelain Veneers can be used to correct minor problems including gaps between teeth, crooked teeth or uneven teeth.

COSMETIC TOOTH BONDING – Cosmetic bonding is a quick and easy way to fix minor imperfections in the teeth, including crooked teeth. For this procedure, a biocompatible resin is applied directly to the tooth and sculpted into the proper shape and form. Cosmetic bonding does not remove any of the natural tooth, but is not as durable and long-lasting as other procedures and may require touch-ups.

DENTAL CROWNS – A dental crown covers the entire tooth and can be used to close spaces between teeth, lengthen teeth, and achieve symmetry. A dental crown can also treat teeth that are worn, broken, or affected by tooth decay.

Schedule a Free Invisalign Consultation
If you have cooked tooth, schedule a consultation with Ace Dental located in Amherst, NY for a free invisalign consultation a screening to check on your signs of gum disease. Call 716.222.2229 or REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE.