Dental Implants

Dental implants Buffalo,NY replace missing teeth and are designed to become a permanent part of your mouth just like your natural teeth. Dental implants are a great way to get you smiling again and are becoming the standard of care for replacing missing teeth.

Dental implants consist of a titanium screw placed into your jawbone, which is surgically implanted. As dental implants are primarily made from titanium, which is bio compatible, they will naturally bond with your bone and tissue to form a solid foundation upon which a restoration can be placed.

Over time the dental implants integrate into the natural base of the bone and turns into the foundation for a new tooth. The healing and bonding process will usually take a few months.

Here at ACE Dental Practice, we recognize the importance of personal presentation and appearance and will provide you with a temporary restoration for the interim period.

Your final restoration will be designed, fabricated and affixed to the dental implant to give you a strong, durable, fully functional and natural looking solution to your smile.

Unlike dentures, dental implants are stable and they do not dislodge from the mouth during speech or swallowing. They will also require the same care as you own teeth, with regular brushing and routine flossing being critical to their longevity.

Dental implants are a great way to replace one tooth or even multiple teeth. You also have options regarding sizes, shapes and materials for a personalised treatment regarding your dental implants. As long as you maintain good oral hygiene and dental health, the implant will remain firmly in place and feel just like your natural tooth