Overview of Implant Placement

Our dental implant procedure is fully customized to you, and your treatment plan is created based off of our comprehensive examination of your mouth. We provide our patients with complete cat scans, 3D imaging, digital x-rays, and intraoral images of your teeth, gums, jaw bone, and locations of sinus cavities and nerves.

The traditional dental implant surgical process is completed in three visits to our practice:

Placement of the Dental Implant:
An oral surgery procedure will be performed to place the dental implant post in the jawbone. We use the information we have compiled from the 3D imaging to create a surgical plan that is customized to each dental implant procedure so that the guided implant placement surgery is as accurate and accurate as possible.

Attachment of the Abutment:
Once osseointegration(fusion of the dental implant to your jaw bone) has been completed, an abutment will be attached to the implant post during a follow-up appontment. The area is allowed to heal for a few weeks.

Attachment of the Replacement Tooth:
Once the area has been healed from the abutment attachment, the dental crown will be attached to the exposed area of the abutment. This dental crown is milled and colored to fit securely around other teeth and accurately match the color of your natural teeth.