Teeth Grinding

Treatment for Teeth Grinding
When left unnoticed, bruxism(teeth grinding) can cause significant damage to teeth and contribute to painful symptoms like headaches and jaw pain. Stress is one of the primary causes for teeth grinding. Lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques may help to reduce or stop your teeth grinding. In many cases, though, professional treatment is needed to correct the source of the problem and repair damage caused teeth grinding.

Bite Guard – A mouth guard is often the first line of treatment for tooth grinding. Your dentist will fabricate a custom, removable appliance similar to a sports mouth guard that will fit over your teeth and prevent teeth grinding at night.

Bite Alignment Therapy – In addition to a mouth guard, you may need additional treatments to correct the cause of bruxism. If stress or external factors are contributing to your condition, the dentist may recommend therapies or exercises that can help reduce the occurrence of teeth grinding. Malocclusion, or improper alignment of the teeth, is another cause for teeth grinding. If your teeth are misaligned, our dentists can suggest a number of treatments like invisible braces, dental crowns, or veneers to bring the teeth into harmony.

Cosmetic Dentistry to Repair Damage – Once the teeth grinding causes have been successfully treated, the dentist will focus on repairing damage caused by teeth grinding. Chronic teeth grinding can leave teeth worn, chipped or broken. The dentist may repair teeth using dental crowns, porcelain veneers or cosmetic bonding.

What are the symptoms of teeth grinding?

  • Worn, flat or chipped teeth
  • Abraded tooth enamel
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Jaw pain or tightness in the jaw muscles
  • Earache
  • Headache
  • Facial pain
  • Cuts or sores on the inside cheek

Schedule a Dentist Appointment to Stop Teeth Grinding

If you or someone you love is suffering from teeth grinding, schedule a consultation with Ace Dental in Amherst, NY. A simple bite analysis and consultation can reveal whether or not your teeth grinding is caused by TMJ dysfunction and schedule your appointment for an instant relief. Call 716.222.2229 or REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT online.