Periodontal Therapy

Our periodontal therapy treatment goal is to eliminate mouth odor and bleeding, and minimize gum pocket depths to get rid of additional bacterial infection.

We may recommend multiple visits to our office for a procedure called “scaling and root planing” which is a deep cleaning below the gum line. “Scaling” removes plaque and tartar above and below the gum line and even in the tooth “pocket.” Then, our HYGIENE TEAM will begin “root planing,” which helps smooth the roots of your teeth and helps the gum reattach to the tooth.

Depending on the severity of your gum disease, we may also recommend one of several types of oral antibiotics to help eliminate bacteria; as well as fluoride treatment, antibacterial rinses, and even electric toothbrushes help to improve your gum health.

We use an FDA-approved antibiotic as part of our periodontal therapy. We place this antibiotic in the pockets of infection beneath the gum line. Then, the medication works over time to eliminate the infection and bacteria affecting your teeth and gums

periodontal therapy includes both surgical and non-surgical techniques to restore health to the tissues that support the teeth gums and bone and prevent tooth loss.

Healthy gums should never bleed. If your gums bleed regularly, it may be an indication that you have gum disease.